Saturday, November 1, 2008

Why Do We Fear?

Hey Lloyd,

While I'm in asking mode, I have another question. Do you have fears? If yes, what kind of fears are they? Whenever I'm aware of a change taking place in my awareness / being, I always get nervous and start thinking very negative thoughts - mostly about having to do something because something is wrong with me (like an unexpected illness). I did it again today, so I'm trying to figure out where that comes from. Example, when first contemplating going back to Toronto and trying to understand why, I started to think that I HAD to go back because something might be wrong with me - it's awful! Where does that come from? I'll keep searching for an answer, but any insight would be appreciated.

Wow, I think/know I'm in a major change state. It's big and happening faster than I may be ready for. I intend to keep moving forward, but it can be a scary place at times!

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